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Anal Fissure

An Anal Fissure is a tear or open sore in the thin, moist lining of the large intestine, near the anus. It may occur when hard or large stools are passed during bowel movements, causing pain and bleeding.

Very common in young infants, Anal Fissures can affect people of any age. Apart from pain during bowel movements and bleeding after, other symptoms include a visible crack of skin around the anus, small lump near the fissure or even experiencing spasms in the ring of muscle at the end of the anus.


  • Passing large/hard stools
  • Constipation
  • Chronic diarrhoea
  • Anal intercourse
  • Childbirth


An ulcer in the lower anal canal, Anal Fissure is a highly painful illness that can cause much embarrassment, unease and distress to patients. With the help of the right homeopathic treatment, Anal Fissures can be treated without any surgery. A unique aspect of our homeopathic approach, at Dr. S. Vidya Prakash Homoeopathic Clinic, to healing Anal Fissures is that the wound is treated just as a non-healing ulcer is.

Another homeopathic speciality at our clinic is the productive treatment involving the shrinking of tissue in a sentinel pile formation. Our homeopathic medicines effectively help all types of Anal Fissure grades; these medicines help repair the anal mucosa, heal the injury and also improve blood circulation in the area. Our clinic also provides in-house medication for the fast relief of recurrent acute pains and to achieve an accurate prognosis of the illness.

A high fibre diet and lifestyle changes are suggested to design a regime that will result in quick recovery. Come visit us at Dr. S. Vidya Prakash Homoeopathic Clinic and experience the wonders of homeopathic healing of Anal Fissures. Leave shame and discomfort behind, and lead a healthy, happy life free of pain.